UNGA passes resolution calling for immediate end to hostilities between Ukraine and Russia

United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution on the need to reach comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.

The resolution calls for Russia to end hostilities and withdraw its forces from Ukraine. 141 members voted in favour of the resolution while seven members opposed it. 32 members including India abstained from voting. Foreign ministers and diplomats from more than 75 countries addressed the assembly during two days of debate, with many urging support for the resolution that upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Addressing the assembly, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj said, India continues to remain concerned over the situation in Ukraine. She said, the conflict led to the loss of countless lives and misery with millions becoming homeless. Ms Kamboj said, attacks on civilian infrastructure are deeply concerning. She said, as UNGA mark a year of Ukrainian conflict, it's important we ask ourselves a few pertinent questions, are we anywhere near a possible solution acceptable to both sides and can any process that doesn't involve either of the two sides ever lead to a credible solution. Ms Kamboj asked, has the UN system and UNSC based on the 1945 world construct not been rendered ineffective to address contemporary challenges to global peace and security.

She said, International principles and jurisprudence vest responsibility on parties to the conflict to ensure that civilians and civilian infrastructure are not targeted in situations of armed conflicts. The Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations said, the global order that we all subscribe to, is based on International Law, the UN Charter and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states. She said, these principles must be upheld without any exception. Ms Kamboj said, it is unfortunate that as the trajectory of the Ukrainian conflict unfolds, the entire Global South has suffered its unintended consequences. She said, it is thus critical that the voice of the global south be heard and their legitimate concerns be duly addressed.

The Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations said, India’s approach to the Ukraine conflict will continue to be people-centric. She said, India is providing both humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic support to some of its neighbours in the Global South under economic distress, even as they stare at the escalating costs of food, of fuel, and of fertilizers - which has been a consequential fall out of the ongoing conflict.

Ms Kamboj said, India upholds principles of UN charter and it will always call for dialogue and diplomacy as only way out. She said, while India take note of stated objectives of the resolution given its limitations in reaching the goal of securing lasting peace it is constrained to abstain.

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