The Tripura Frontier of the Border Security Force (BSF) jointly with the Excise department and police launched a massive operation against illegal cultivation of Ganja and uprooted at least 609400 Ganja plants from various parts of the state during this week.
The BSF in its press communique on Monday stated that in a joint operation with the NCB, TSR, Tripura Police and Excise department on Monday, the BSF troopers destroyed around 31,500 immature Ganja plants in general area of Gajeria village at Ganiyamara under Bishalgarh Police Station.
In a separate operation at South Kalamcherra village under Kalamcherra police station, the BSF troopers destroyed another 30,000 immature Ganja plants, it stated.
The press communique further stated, “This season till date a total 6,09,400 plants in Tripura mostly in Sepahijala district, have been destroyed. BSF’s persistent and concerted efforts and endeavours in close coordination with sister agencies is playing a pivotal role for maintaining a "drug free" society.”