First Batch of Women Officers Commissioned into Regiment of Artillery of Indian Army

In the Indian army, for the first time, five Women Cadets got commissioned into the Regiment of Artillery at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai. Out of total 186 Short Service Commissioned Officers, 121 men Cadets and 36 Women Cadets were inducted into various Arms and Services of the Indian Army while 29 officers are from Bhutan.

The passing out ceremony was reviewed by Chief of Army Staff, Bangladesh Army Gen SM Shafiuddin Ahmed at the Parameshwaran Parade Ground of OTA. He exhorted the Cadets of the Passing Out Courses to always adhere to the core military values of ‘Selfless Service to the Nation’ and strive for excellence in all their endeavours. It was a proud moment for the officer cadets and their parents, as also the Instructors and Administrative Staff of OTA Chennai, who over the last one year of integrated training have seen the transformation of these proud men and women into future leaders of the Indian Army.

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