It is unprecedented that the prices of all most all vegetables are skyrocketing and soaring very high .The prices of tomato as well as Green chilli is going up and putting consumers to great trouble and paining them . After tomatoes the prices of Green chilli is going up and the prices of vegetables are afire. The housewives are in great trouble as their kitchen budget has increased and upset .In the plate the taste of tomato is absent.
The prices of tomato which used to be sold at RS 40 is now selling at the price at Rs 200 per kilogram. The prices of green chilli which used to be sold at RS 60 is now selling at the price at Rs 250 per kilogram.
Vegetables have upset the budgets of the people and it is telling economically on the peoples income. There is an upward trend in the prices of vegetables and the people are fed up with the rising prices of vegetables .The people are bearing the brunt of the rising prices of vegetables as they have to grapple with the soaring prices of vegetables and the consumers feel the difficulty in buying the daily quota of vegetables .The poor consumers are hard hit by the steeply rising prices of vegetables but there is no one to hear their woes and they are left in lurch by the government .It seems that the powers are least bothered and concerned with the rising prices ,with the result the poor is suffering because of the steeply rising prices of vegetables .