
BJP aims to win two seats in Lok Sabha elections: Chief Minister

The Tripura BJP is working to secure public support for BJP candidates in two seats in the state in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha discussed that issue in the executive meeting. On Wednesday at the executive meeting of the Sadar City district at the newly constructed Diet College auditorium in East Kalyanpur of Khoai district and Agartala Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhawan, the Chief Minister also said that he participated in the executive meeting of the BJP Khoai district on the instructions of the party. The executive meeting of the state BJP was held on May 22.

Mandal level executive meeting will be held on May 26. He also said that this time's executive meeting is a little unusual. Narendra Modi will complete 9 years as Prime Minister on May 30. What he has done during this period is being discussed in the executive meeting. State BJP President Rajeev Bhattacharya said that Narendra Modi will complete 9 years as Prime Minister on May 30. Various programs have been undertaken for a month from 30th May to 30th June to highlight all the public welfare projects that have been implemented for the people of the country in these 9 years. The former Mukhiya could not hold his position by making vague comments. He and his followers disappeared from executive meetings. They don't even have posters around executive meetings.

As far as is known, the former Mukhiya has been dropped not only from the meeting but also from the list of upcoming programmes. Whose face is not visible in the poster of the organizational meeting. Because he has repeatedly tried to muddy the waters according to party organizational sources.

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